Collection: Lenticular postcards - 3D

We can produce 3D lenticular in both portrait or landscape, but when printing 3D the lens must run perpendicular to your eyes. This is because we perceive depth with stereoscopic vision, if you are unsure about anything or need alternative quantities please contact us to discuss. 

  • Classic Quality - Our classic quality lenticular flips are printed digitally on a very high-quality press. Digitally printing directly to the lens means we don't waste any sheets getting the position and fit. Digital printing is not quite as high quality as traditional lithographic printing, If you need the best quality please see high quality.
  • High Quality - Our high-quality lenticular flips are printed on our 6-colour lithographic press. This machine prints up to 9000 dpi so give us unparalleled quality for your Lenticular postcards. This process takes a lot more time and effort and uses a lot of sheets to get the fit and position correct, this makes the cost a bit higher but you will be satisfied with the quality.